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PhD in Structural Engineering @ Engineering Structures Section, Department of Civil Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, LONDON, UK, 


MSc in Structural Steel Design @ Department of Civil Engineering, Engineering Structures Section, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, LONDON, UK


DIC in Structural Steel Design, Department of Civil Engineering, Engineering Structures Section, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, LONDON, UK


BSc in Civil Engineering @ Department of Civil Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, ISTANBUL, Turkey  




  • Cosgun, C., Kiymaz, G. “Finite element analysis based investigation of strength and stability of steel storage racking frames with damaged columns” Journal of Constructional Steel Research (2019) (under review)

  • Cosgun, C., Turk, AM., Mangir, A.,Cosgun, T., Kiymaz, G. “Experimental investigation of RC beam-column joints with plain bars, low-strength concrete and different joint anchorage details” Engineering Failure Analysis (2019) (accepted)

  • Kıymaz, G., El Kadı, B., Cosgun, C. "Behaviour and Design of Complex and Open-section Thin-Walled Steel Columns with Regular Multiple Perforations" 8th International Steel Structures Symposium, 24–26 October 2019, KTO Karatay University

  • Kıymaz, G, Dindar, A.A., TuÄŸsal, U.M., Tanırcan, G., Aydın, N.S. “State of the Art Review on Seismic Behavior and Design of Steel Storage Racking Structures” 5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Ankara, 8-11 October 2019

  • Kıymaz, G., Cosgun. C., El Kadı, B., Mangır, A. “Strength upgrading of steel storage rack frames in the down-aisle direction” Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 23, No. 2 (2017) 143-152

  • El Kadi, B., Kiymaz, G. “Behavior and design of perforated steel storage rack columns under axial compression” Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 18, No. 5, May. 2015, pp. 1259-1277

  • Kıymaz, G., Seckin, E. “Behavior and design of stainless steel tubular member welded end connections”, Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 17 No.3, Sep. 2014, pp.253-269

  • Kıymaz, G., Alfanda, A.M. “Investigation of Seismic Behaviour of Steel Pallet Rack Frames” American Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 2017; 2(2): 13-19

  • Kıymaz, G., Coskun. E., Cosgun, C, Seckin, E., "Transverse load carrying  capacity  of sinusoidally corrugated steel web beams with web openings", Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 10, No. 1, Jan. 2010, pp. 69-85

  • Kıymaz, G., "Investigations on the bearing strength of stainless steel bolted plates under in-plane tension", Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 9, No. 2, Jan. 2009, pp. 173-189

  • Kiymaz, G., Coskun. E., Cosgun, C. , "Behavior And Design Of Seam-Welded Stainless Steel Circular Hollow Section Flexural Members", Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 33, No. 12, Dec. 2007, pp. 1792-1800

  • Kıymaz, G, "Strength and stability criteria for thin-walled stainless steel circular hollow section members under bending", Thin Walled Structures, Vol. 43/10, Oct. 2005, pp. 1534-1549

  • Kıymaz, G, "FE based mode interaction analysis of thin-walled steel box columns under axial compression", Thin Walled Structures, Vol. 43/7, Jan. 2005, pp. 1051-1070

  • El Kadi, B., Kiymaz, G., Mangır, A. “Experimental Investigation on the Behavior of Perforated Steel Storage  Rack  Columns  Under Axial  Compression”  Nordic  Steel  Construction  Conference  2015 Tampere, Finland 23-25 September 2015

  • Kıymaz, G., Cosgun. C., El Kadı, B., Mangır, A. and Çalık, E. “Strength upgrading of existing steel storage rack beam-to-column connections” SMAR 2015, Third Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, September 2015, Antalya, Turkey

  • Peköz, T. Casafont, M., Roure, F., Somalo, M.R., Kıymaz, G., Pastor, M.M., Bonada, J. “Current Research On Cold-Formed Steel Industrial Racks” 5th Steel Structures Symposium, 13-15 Nov. 2013, Ä°stanbul

  • Peköz, Teoman., Kiymaz, G., Casafont, M., Pastor, M.M., Bonada, J., "Design of perforated industrial storage rack columns for distortional buckling", 21st International Specialty Conference on Cold- Formed Steel Structures - Recent Research and Dev., Jan. 2012, pp. pp. 437-454,St. Louis, Missouri

  • Kiymaz, G., Seckin, E. “Strength and design of slotted and gusset plate welded tubular member connections in stainless steel” Stainless Steel in Structures - Fourth International Experts Seminar Ascot, UK. 6-7 December 2012

  • Kiymaz, G., Seckin, E. , "Investigation of the behavior of gusset plate welded slotted stainless steel tubular  members  under  axial  tension  ",  Tubular  Structures  XIV  -  Proceedings  of  the  14th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, ISTS, Jan. 2012, pp. pp. 369-375

  • Kiymaz, G., Peköz, Teoman. “Recent research activities on column behaviour with special emphasis on distortional buckling” European Racking Federation (ERF) / ECCS WG7.5 Meeting and Workshop, Barcelona, 20-22 January 2010

  • Kıymaz, G., Seckin, E., "Strength of slotted stainless steel tubular member tension connections", International Symposium on Steel Structures: Culture and Sustainability , Istanbul / Turkey, Sep. 2010, pp. 371-381

  • Kıymaz, G., Coskun, E., Cosgun, C., Seckin, E., "Transverse load carrying capacity of sinusoidally corrugated steel webs with web openings", International Symposium on Steel Structures: Culture and Sustainability , Istanbul / Turkey, Sep. 2010, pp. 593-603

  • Aydın R., Yardımcı N., Yüksel E., Kıymaz G., "Ä°nce Cidarlı Sinüzoidal Gövdeli Çelik I Eleman BirleÅŸimlerinin Performansı. IX. Türkiye Abaqus Kullanıcılar Toplantısı, Kasım 2011, Ä°stanbul.

  • E.Coskun, G. Kiymaz, E. Seckin, "Sustainable and earthquake resistant structural systems", Guimares / Portugal, Jul. 2010, pp. 1467-1472

  • Kıymaz, G., "Bearing strength of bolted stainless steel plates in tension", 11th Nordic  Steel Construction Conference – NSCC2009, Malmö / Sweden, Sep. 2009, pp. 238-246

  • Dikmen S. Umit, Turk A. Murat, Kiymaz Guven , "Effect of depth of ground water on the seismic response of frame type buildings on sand deposits. Part I: Soil Response", NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Coupled Site and Soil-Structure Interaction Effects with Applica., Borovets / Bulgaria , Sep. 2008, pp. 273-280

  • Kiymaz, G., "Numerical investigation of coupled instability in axially loaded steel box columns", Fifth  International  Conference  on  Coupled  Instabilities  in Metal  Structures, CIMS2008,  Sydney / Australia, Jun. 2008, pp. 595-603

  • Kiymaz, G., Coskun. E., Cosgun, C., "Examination of Cross-Section Stability of Stainless Steel Tubular Sections by Finite Element Analysis", Fifth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, Singapore, Dec. 2007, pp. 882-889

  • Kıymaz, G., CoÅŸkun, CoÅŸgun, C., E., Seçkin, E., "Strength of Sinusoidally Corrugated Web Beams with Web Openings", 6th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures ICSAS'07, Oxford / UK, Jul. 2007, pp. 872-880

  • Kıymaz, G., CoÅŸkun, E., Seçkin, E., "Effect of plate slenderness on the seismic performance of steel plate shear wall systems", 7th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Ä°stanbul / Turkey, Oct. 2006,

  • Kıymaz, G., CoÅŸkun, E., "Critical assessment of the behavior and design of steel box columns to Eurocode 3", 6th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 2004, pp. 520-530

  • Karatas, H., Mastanzade, N., Kıymaz, G., "Model Experiments of a Tension Leg Platform", International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Cancun / Mexico, Dec. 2003, pp. 417-425

  • Kıymaz, G., Chryssanthopoulos, M.K., "Ultimate Strength of Imperfect High Performance Steel Plate Panels under Uni-axial Compression", Fifth International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Istanbul / Turkey, Sep. 2002, pp. 487-497

  • CoÅŸkun, E., Kıymaz, G., "Interaction between Architecture and Engineering", Structure, No. 308, Jan. 2011

  • Kıymaz, G., Genç, F., Seckin, E., "Strength of thin walled steel C section members with web perforations”, 3rd Steel Structures Symposium, Gaziantep / Turkey, Oct. 2009, pp. 301-310

  • Kıymaz, G., "Numerical Simulation of Seam-Welded Stainless Steel Tubular Members under Bending", ABAQUS Users’ Meeting, Istanbul, Nov. 2007, pp. 109-133

  • Kıymaz, G., CoÅŸkun. E., "Design and behavior of corrugated web steel fabricated beams”  Steel Structures, Turkish Constructional Steelwork Association, Sep. 2006

  • Kıymaz, G., "A Finite Element Validatıon Study For The Strength Prediction Of Steel Box Columns With Initial Geometric Imperfections And Welding Residual Stresses", ABAQUS Users’ Meeting, Ä°stanbul/Turkey, Sep. 2005

  • Kıymaz, G.,  CoÅŸkun,  E., "Fundamentals  of  design  for  stiffened  steel  plate  members”  TMH  – Engineering News, No. 436, Feb. 2005

  • Kıymaz, G  “Stability  and  Strength  Criteria  for  High  Performance  Steel  Plates  under  Edge Compression” Journal of Istanbul Kültür University, 2003/3, pp.1-26

  • Kıymaz, G., "Fundamental approach for the design of structural steelwork connections” Construction Magazine, Dunya Publishing, Oct. 2001

  • Kıymaz, G., Chryssanthopoulos, M.K., "Bending Tests of Structural Stainless Steel Circular Hollow Sections", Department of Civil Engineering, Imperial College, London, CESLIC Report OR 12, Vol. 12, Jan. 1998



EERI / Earthquake Engineering Research Institue, USA

SCI / Steel Construction Institute, UK

FEM-ERF / European Racking Federation, Belgium

ASCE/SEI-Comittee on Cold Formed Structures

Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers, Turkey

TUCSA / Turkish Constructional Steelwork Association, Turkey

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